Heather Goodman

Heather Goodman

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


* These are both my work. First is figure drawing and the second is my Magical Forest from 113B.

 My major is Animation/Illustration. This is the starting of my third year at SJSU and I am pretty glad to have chosen this school to pursue animation. I have taken all the pre requisites for the major along with other art classes like basic drawing and fundamentals at a junior college I attended in Livermore, Las Positas. Last semester and staring this semester I am taking Maya and I am truly enjoying it. I'm always learning something new when I use Maya. I have taken basic science classes to fulfill my GE, but that is it. This semester I am taking: Maya (modeling), SciFi/Fantasy Literature, RTVF 181 (Part 2 of Film), and of course Physics of Animation. Once I finish my degree here at SJSU my goal is to one day end up working for Pixar. I am sure that is a lot of people's dreams, but I am going to make this happen somehow. I want to become an animator or producer, but I am leaning towards animator.

The Little Mermaid!! My all time FAVORITE movie. :)
Part of Your World (Youtube.com)

* This is a video of my Personality Walk Reference.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010